My Politics Are Depression and Depression is My PoliticsThis year marks a decade since a serious suicide attempt landed me in a mental hospital. A decade is enough time to appropriately take…May 22, 2023May 22, 2023
We’re Not SelfishI am a week out from donating a kidney to my friend Allison. It’s a strange thing when people find out I did this; there’s a weird…Aug 4, 2021Aug 4, 2021
Why I’m Donating a KidneyTwenty-five felt too young to lose multiple friends in one year. I wasn’t running around with people who do heroin or anything, no one…Jun 30, 2021Jun 30, 2021
Published inKNOCKWhy You Need to Support Measure RLA County has the largest jail system in the world. If you live in Los Angeles, it’s easy for that to feel like an intractable fact, like…Feb 4, 2020Feb 4, 2020